Notary Public Monroe, CT

Notaries in Monroe, CT are listed below. Use the filters to search for specific criteria.

GrIndel Spinks
Monroe, CT 06468
Commission E&O
I am a Notary for 15 years, also I am a License Real Estate Agent, that is very familiar with all kinds of Loan documents.I am Certified by the NNA.
Paula Gonzalez
Monroe, CT 06468
I am a Mobile Notary Signing agent for over 15 years. Speak English and Spanish . I am also a Tax Professional and a licensed Real Estate Agent.
Wilfredo Uquillas
Monroe, CT 06468
I am a newly commissioned notary in the state of Connecticut. I am available Monday - Fridays 8am - 6pm and offer extended hours and weekends, if necessary. I can be reached via e-mail at or cell phone at (347)664-8928.

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