- Find a Notary Public
- Florida
- Crawfordville
- Phillip Stewart
I am NNA Certified and Background Screened, NNA Background Screening Passed: 09/23/2021. NNA NSA Certification Exam Passed: 10/22/2021, NNA NSA Continuing Education Completed: 10/22/2021. NNA Membership Valid Through; 09/30/2023.
Twenty-eight (28) years experience in State Government as an Analyst/ Consultant. Explained processes and procedures to new clients. Experienced with verifying information and obtaining required signatures for applications. Maintained strict security and confidentiality requirements for the retention of public information and public records.
I'm professional, punctual, and teachable. While shadowing a seasoned NSA I have had several opportunities to review documents for refinance loans, purchases, home equity loans, and reverse mortgage loans. I would gladly submit to a telephone interview or testing.
Finally, If i make a mistake, I'll take care of it immediately. It would be a pleasure to serve you and your clients. Thank you for reading my profile. Below are cities and zip codes I can cover.
Tallahassee area codes 32301 thru 32318
Wakulla area codes 32326, 32327, 32346, 32355
Perry area codes 32347
Apalachicola area codes 32320 and 32329
(can print documents)
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Tallahassee, FL 32305 |
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