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- Florida
- Kissimmee
- Herve Gabriel

Herve Gabriel
Notary Public 34758 KissimmeeFLNotary public in Kissimmee, FL 34758
French speaking notary
Licensed Real Estate Agent for over 11 years, Licensed Insurance Agent for over 5 years, Certified Signing Agent, Reverse Mortgage Specialist in applications and closings as well as in EDOC'S, Re-fi, HELOC, new purchases and any type of loan written in Florida. Works 24/7. My Wife and Daughter are both Notaries working as a team. We are all Certified Signing Agents and have a full home office that includes Cable Modem, dedicated fax machine, copier and four laser printers and two wireless lap tops as well as two computers. EDOCS via wireless and cable modem, Sat Fed Ex and UPS delivery. Road office including a laser printer and wireless modem laptop. We travel Osceola, Orange, Polk, Lake , Brevard, Volusia and Seminole counties in Central Florida and service 9 additional counties for reverse mortgages, have completed over 1,300 closings in the last Eleven years. Many references available
(can print documents)
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