Notary Public in Brockton, Massachusetts 02301, Sherley  Duveste-Faustin

Sherley Duveste-Faustin

Notary Public 02301 BrocktonMANotary public in Brockton, MA 02301

Haitian Creole speaking notary

NNA member trained and Certified Mobile Notary Signing Agent based in the South Shore of Massachusetts. Also licensed Realtor and proud owner of property investment company.

Flexible scheduling and last minute appointments available.

You'll receive an email containing Sherley's contact information so the two of you can work together on a signing.
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Verified credentials: ID, Commission, Background Check Report
Snapdocs Signings Completed: 58
Dual Tray Printer: Yes
Laser Printer: Yes
(can print documents)
Speaks: English, Haitian Creole
Willing to Travel: Yes
Last seen: yesterday

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