Notary Public Jefferson City, MO
Notaries in Jefferson City, MO are listed below. Use the filters to search for specific criteria.
Carrie MorganJefferson City, MO 65101Commission E&O
Notary since 2016, NNA certified and background screened. Cover the following counties; Boone, Callaway, and Cole.
Contact Carrie
Last seen today
Australia CunninghamJefferson City , MO 65109Commission
I am a notary based out of Jefferson City, MO. I am in the process off getting certified with the NNA, the type of documents I have worked with, have been lender documents, POA’s for health and financial. I have been a notary for almost for years now and I...
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Contact Australia
Last seen 30 days ago
Nicholas StuckerJefferson City , MO 65102Commission E&O
Nicholas Edward Stucker is a Certified Notary Signing Agent and Mobile Notary serving several counties in Central Missouri. I offer Mobile Notary Services of all kinds. In particular I offer the convenience of mobile signings for all types of loan...
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Desiree PigfordJefferson City, MO 65109Commission E&O
I am an NNA Certified Notary Signing Agent. I worked with commercial real estate for over 14 years, notarizing and preparing financial and other property transaction documents. I have completed over 1000 residential signings and have experience in...
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Carla BrysonJefferson City, MO 65109Commission
I have worked in the real estate industry since 1995. I have experience reading , interpreting and explain closing documents. I received my notary license have in March of 2020. I am willing to travel to Cole, Callaway, Boone, Moniteau, Osage, Camden and...
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Lorene WilliamsJefferson City, MO 65101Commission
I'm a notary and Paralegal with 24 years experience.
Madison MasonJefferson City, MO 65109Commission E&O
I am a notary in Jefferson City, MO. I can travel when needed for a signing. Look forward to working with you!
Cortney SimsJefferson City, MO 65109Commission E&O
I am a notary with a background of a little over two years experience working for a Veteran mortgage loan company where my responsibilities were scanning in loan packages, assisting the closing and collateral department, and communicating with Title companies.
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Chuck BowmanJefferson City, MO 65101
can cover the following zip codes 65201, 65202, 65203, 65101, 65010
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