Notary Public Corrigan, TX

Notaries in Corrigan, TX are listed below. Use the filters to search for specific criteria.

Melissa Calise
Corrigan, TX 75939
Commission E&O
I'm NNA Certified and a notary public since 2008. 8+ years Notary Signing Agent experience. I am experienced doing refinances, seller packages, debt consolidation, reverse mortgages, loan modifications,refinance, wills, and powers of attorney.
Contact Melissa Last seen 29 days ago
Jessica Villafuerte
Corrigan, TX 75939
I’m a new notary eager to learn. I am NNA certified and have E&O insurance. I will cover the east Texas area which would be Livingston, Corrigan, Diboll and Lufkin Texas. I specialize in general notary work and also Signing Agent work.

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