Notary Public Birch Run, MI

Notaries in Birch Run, MI are listed below. Use the filters to search for specific criteria.

Stanesh Powell
Birch Run, MI 48415
I am a NNA certified and Background screened Notary signing agent. I have 14 years experience with a large bank, including an extensive mortgage lending background. Experience includes: underwriting Real Estate loans (exceeded 100 loans/month) ; extensive... Read more
Tera Burks
Birch Run, MI 48415
Commission E&O
I am a certified Notary in Saginaw County. I am also a Certified Signing Agent through the National Notary Association. I am a lifelong resident of the Thumb Area. I have been working in the Real Estate/Mortgage field for 6 years. This included Real Estate... Read more
Steven Powell
Birch Run, MI 48415
Steve has extensive (22+ years) experience in reviewing loan documents for completeness and accuracy, assuring that the documents reflect the terms with which the credit facility was approved, and conducting loan closings. He has been both the lending... Read more

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